organs nor nourishment requisite even to make a beginning. . . . Why should there be such a difference between the women of our times and their mothers or grand­mothers ? Why should there be such a dif­ference between our American women and those of foreign origin residing in the same locality, and surrounded by the same exter­nal influences ? The explanation is simple : they have not the right kind of organization ; there is a want of proper development of the lymphatic and sanguine temperaments, a marked deficiency in the organs of nutrition and secretion. You cannot draw water without good, flowing springs. The brain and nervous system have , for a long time , made relatively too large a demand upon the organs of digestion and assimilation, while the exer­cise and development of certain other tissues in the body have been sadly neglected. ... In consequence of the great neglect of physical exercise, and the continuous application to study , together with various other influences, large numbers of our American women have