the intellectual and psychical condition, a dropping out of maternal instincts, and an appearance of Amazonian coarseness and force. Such persons are analogous to the sexless class of termites. Naturalists tell us that these insects are divided into males and females, and a third class called workers and soldiers, who have no reproductive appa­ratus, and who, in their structure and in­stincts, are unlike the fertile individuals.

A closer analogy than this, however, exists between these human individuals and the eunuchs of Oriental civilization. Except the secretary of the treasury, in the cabinet of Candace, queen of Ethiopia, who was baptized bj- Philip and Narses, Justinians general, none of that class have made any impression on the worlds life, that history has recorded. It may be reasonably doubted if arrested development of the female reproductive system, producing a class of agenes,* not epicenes, will yield a

* According to the biblical account, woman was formed by subtracting a rib from man. If, in the evolution of the future, a third division of the human race is to be formed by subtiacting sex from woman, a retrograde development,