Actually, for lifes work, there commenced, without obvious cause, a long period of invalidism. It would be tedious to the reader, and useless for our present purpose, to detail the history and describe the protean shapes of her sufferings. With the excep­tion of small breasts, the reproductive system was well developed. Repeated and careful examinations failed to detect any derange­ment of the uterine mechanism. Her symptoms all pointed to ' the nervous system as the fons et origo mail. First general de­bility, that concealed but ubiquitous leader of innumerable armies of weakness and ill, laid siege to her, and captured her. Then came insomnia, that worried her nights for month after month, and made her beg for opium, alcohol, chloral, bromides, any thing that would bring sleep. Neuralgia in every conceivable form tormented her, most fre­quently in her back, but often, also, in her head, sometimes in her sciatic neives, some­times setting up a tic douloureux, sometimes causing a fearful dysmenorrhma and fre-