induced to go to parties, and, when she did go, studied while dressing, and on the way; was assigned extra tasks at school, because she performed them so well; was a fine healthy girl in appearance , but broke down permanently at end of second year, and is now a victim of hysteria and depression.

Miss C-, of a nervous organization,

and quick to learn; her health suffered in normal school, so that her physician predicted insanity if her studies were not discontinued. She persevered, however, and is now an in­mate of a hospital, with hysteria and de­pression.

A certain proportion of girls are predis­posed to mental or nervous derangement. The same girls are apt to be quick, brilliant, ambitious, and persistent at study, and need not stimulation, but repression. For the sake of a temporary reputation for scholarship, they risk their health at the most susceptible period of their lives, and break down after the ex­citement of school-life has passed away. For sexual reasons they cannot compete with boys,