

It has been reserved for our age and country, by its methods of female education, to demon­strate that it is possible in some cases to di­vest a woman of her chief feminine functions ; in others, to produce grave and even fatal disease of the brain and nervous system ; in others, to engender torturing derangements and imperfections of the reproductive ap­paratus that imbitter a lifetime. Such, we know, is not the object of a liberal female edu­cation. Such is not the consummation which the progress of the age demands. Fortunately, it is only necessary to point out and prove the existence of such erroneous methods and evil results to have them avoided. That they can he avoided, and that woman can have a liberal education that shall develop all her powers, without mutilation or disease, up to the loftiest ideal of womanhood, is alike the teaching of physiology and the hope of the race.

In concluding this part of our subject, it is well to remember the statement made at the beginning of our discussion, to the fol-