not be called upon to furnish force for build­ing it again. The female student, on the contrary, has got these tasks before her, and must perform them while getting her educa­tion ; for the period of female sexual devel­opment coincides with the educational period. The same five years of life must be given to both tasks. After the function is normally established, and the apparatus made, woman can labor mentally or physically, or both, with very much greater persistence and intensity, than during the age of develop­ment. She still retains the type of period­icity ; and her best work, both as to quality and amount, is accomplished when the order of her labor partakes of the rhythmic order of her constitution. Still the fact remains, that she can do more than before ; her fibre has acquired toughness ; the system is con­solidated ; its fountains are less easily stirred. It should be mentioned in this connection, what has been previously adverted to, that the toughness and power of after life are largely in proportion to the normality of sex-