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should not an exactly opposite direction be pursued ? How should the race not deterio­rate, when those who morally and physically are fitted to perpetuate it are (relatively), by a law of physiology, those least likely to do so ? * The answer to Mr. Gregs inquiry is obvious. If the culture of the race moves on into the future in the same rut and by the same methods that limit and direct it now; if the education of the sexes remains identical, instead of being appropriate and special; and especially if the intense and passionate stimu­lus of the identical co-education of the sexes is added to their identical education,then the sterilizing influence of such a training, acting with tenfold more force upon the female than upon the male, will go on, and the race will be propagated from its inferior classes-!

* Enigmas of Life. Op. cit., by W. It. Greg, p. 142. t It is a fact not to be lost sight of, says Dr. J. C. Toner of Washington, that the proportion between the nun :>er of American children under fifteen years of age, and the number of American women between the child-bearing ages of fifteen and fifty, is declining steadily. In 1830, there were to every 1,000 marriageable women, 1,952 children under fifteen years