boys and men at the lecture-room and in church, she can he trusted with them at school and in college. Jean Paul says, To insure modesty, I would advise the education of the sexes together; for two boys will preserve twelve girls, or two girls twelve boys, innocent amidst winks, jokes, and improprieties, merely by that instinctive sense which is the fore­runner of matured modesty. But I will guar­antee nothing in a school where girls are alone together, and still less when boys are. A certain amount of juxta-position is an advan­tage to each sex. More than a certain amount is an evil to both. Instinct and common sense can be safely left to draw the line of demar­cation. At the same time it is well to re­member that juxtaposition may be carried too far. Temptations enough beset the young, without adding to them. Let learn­ing and purity go hand in hand.

There are two considerations appertaining to this subject, which, although they do not belong to the physiology of the matter, de­serve to be mentioned in this connection.