108 Early Rivers Plum

109 Angelina Burdett Plum

110 Peach Plum

111 Black Mulberry

112 Black Mulberry (Morin Moretti)

113 Loquats




Chemical and Pharmaceutical Preparations from Australian Vegetation.

Eucalyptus Globulus , or Blue Gum

114 01. Eucalypti Globuli; C 12, II 40, O.Therapeutic uses:

antiseptic, useful in putrid fevers and foetid suppura­tions; also has been successfully employed for embalm-

. ing

115 Liquor Eucalypti Globuli possesses valuable antiperiodic

properties. In China it is stated to counteract malaria, without exerting the prejudicial effects of quinine on the nervous system; recommended also in cases of chronic bronchitis, catarrh of the stomach, &c.

116 Eucalyptol C 12, II 20, O, for inhalation. Therapeutic

uses: antiseptic, stimulant

117 Tinctura Eucalypti Globuli. Therapeutic use : tonic

118 Foliae, prepared carefully for export. Therapeutic use;


Eucalyptus Amygdalina Odorata

120 01. Eucalypti Amygdalinae Odorata. The Eucalyptus Oil of

commerce, a volatile oil of a sweet aromatic aroma and possessing a clean basic odour; it yields up its own identity on the addition of the more costly ottos in consonance with it, renders its utility in the employ­ment of scenting soaps to be something considerable. Sp. grav. 0'881.

121 Liquor Eucalypti Amygdalinse. Its properties similar to

the Globuli, but weaker

122 Tinctura Eucalypti Amygdalinse. Therapeutic use; anti­

septic, tonic

123 Gum: Eucalypti Amygdalinae. Therapeutic use: astringent

124 Foliae, prepared carefully for export. In the form of an

infusion 1 in 4; a good disinfectant