13 '

Eucalyptus Oleosa , or Mallee Scrub

126 Eucalypt Oleosaj. This oil is known in commerce under

the name ofoleosa, to avoid error with the other volatile oils of the Eucalypti. It is a powerful solvent, deserving the special notice of varnish manufacturers. It is stated that varnish made with oleosa, in the place of turpentine, does not bloom. It is twice the price of turpentine. The supply is unlimited.

127 01. Eucalypti Fissilis

128 01. Eucalypti Fabrorum

129 01. Eucalypti Stuartiana

These three oils are exhibited for the purpose of show­ing the different characteristics existing in such products from the Eucalypti. They are not commercial.

130 Gum : Sideroxylon, or Iron Bark

131 Gum : Amygdalinae, or Peppermint Bark

132 Gum : Rostrata, or Redgum Bark

133 Gum: Odorata

134 Gum : Xanthorrhcea, or Grass-tree

135 01. Melaleuca Ericifolia, or Tea-tree Oil

136 01. Melaleuca Genistifolia

Athevospei'Tua Moschata , or Native Sassafras Bark

138 Ess. 01. Atherosperm. Mosch. Therapeutic use : diaphoretic,

dimetic, and sedative. It exerts a specific lowering influence on the hearts action

139 Extract Atherosperm. Mosch. Tonic

140 Atherospermine. Tonic

141 ) Acacia Decumens, or Wattle-tree

142 ) Essentia, or Wattle Perfume

143 Opium, from Papaver Somnifera, yielding 10 per cent.

morphia. Grown in Gipps Land, on the farm of G. and A. Turpin, under the direction of the exhibitor. Grown annually as an article of commerce, and much sought after

144 01. Mentha Piperita, or fine Oil of Peppermint. Grown in

Gipps Land, on the farm of G. and A. Turpin, and distilled by the exhibitor. Grown annually, and in increased quantity, as an article of commerce

145 01. Mentha Sativa, or Spearmint. Grown at Mount Mace-

don, and distilled by the exhibitor