317 Rocks from the Oolitic (carbonaceous) formation, from

Western Point

Primary or Paleozoic Group.

318 Rock from the Upper Palaeozoic (carboniferous) formation,

from Mount William

319 Rock from the Upper Palaeozoic (carboniferous) formation,

from Mount Abrupt

320 Rock from the Devonian formation, from Buchan, Gipps


321 Fossils and Rocks from the Upper Silurian formation, from

the Upper Yarra

322 Fossils and Rocks from the Upper Silurian formation, from

the vicinity of Melbourne

323 Fossils and Rocks from the Lower Silurian formation, from


324 Fossils and Rocks from the Lower Silurian formation, from


Crystal line Group.

325 Specimens from the Crystalline Rocks, or Metamorphic.

From Gipps Land

Igneous and Plutonic Group.

326 Rocks from the Newer Volcanic formation. From the

vicinity of Melbourne

327 Rocks from the Older Volcanic formation. From the

vicinity of Melbourne

328 Rocks from the Trap formation. Near Geelong

329 Rock from the Granite formation. From Clunes

330 Rock from the Granite formation. From Maryborough

331 Rock from the Granite formation. From Beechworth

332 Rock from the Granite formation. From Beechworth

333 Syenitic Granite, from the Granite formation of Gabo Island

334 Sketch of a new Geological Map of Victoria

Mineralogical Specimens. Gold.

335 Auriferous Quartz. Quartz of this character is called by

the minershoneycomb quartz. From the North Star Mine, Energetic Reef, Lauriston. The specimen was got from the water line at a depth beneath the surface of 110 feet. The reef was 22 feet in width, and averaged a yield of 1 oz. 10 dwts. of gold to the ton of quartz 336 Auriferous Quartz, with Iron Pyrites. From the Golden Bar Reef, which is 18 inches in width at the surface, and 4 feet wide at 50 feet in depth. This reef is situated in Camp Creek, two miles from Russells Creek