337 Auriferous Quartz and Iron Pyrites. Got from a lode 8 feet

in width, which is situated near Mount Egerton

338 Auriferous Quartz Tailings. From Castlemaine

339 Gold and Native Copper. Portion of a sample obtained

from a dish of dirt taken out of the Egerton Consols shaft, at a depth of 290 feet from the surface. From Mount Egerton

340 Auriferous Arsenical Pyrites. From the Great Extended

Hustlers Reef Companys Mine at Sandhurst. It was got from 500 feet in depth beneath the surface. From 70 tons of this ore 173 ozs. of gold were extracted. The gold was very fine

341 Auriferous Slate and Iron Pyrites, and Galena. When the

reef quartz tails out, this formation takes its place between the walls of the vein. Depth from the surface at which the specimen was obtained, 2 40 feet; width of the formation, 3 feet 6 inches; average yield of gold per ton, 5 ozs. 12| dwts. From the Great Extended Eagle Companys mine, Eaglehawk, Sandhurst

342 Auriferous Cement, or Washdirt. From the Alston and

Weardale Companys mine at Ballarat

343 Auriferous Cement. Found at from 60 to 70 feet beneath

the surface, overlying ff pipeclay in wet ground, at Talbot

344 Auriferous Iron Pyrites. It occurs in seams of the Silurian

slate rock, in a similar manner to quartz veins or leaders, and in the drift overlying the bed-rock. It is said to be found in large quantities to the south of the prospecting claim at Foster, Stockyard Creek. An assay of it for gold gave results equal to 19 dwts. 4 grs. per ton.


345 Chloro-Bromide of Silver. From St. Arnaud

346 Argentiferous Arsenical Pyrites. From Eldorado, near


347 Argentiferous Galena. It contains 18 ozs. 5 dwts. 20 grs. of

silver per ton of ore. From a lode situated at the junc­tion of the Deduc River and the Snowy River, Gipps Land

348 Argentiferous Galena and Quartz. An assay of the ore gave

79 per cent, of lead, and 27 ozs. 8 dwts. of silver per ton. Obtained from an extensive reef near Berlin at 20 feet in depth. The strike in the reef is east and west.

349 Argentiferous Sulphide of Lead. One portion of the sample

yielded 23 ozs. 7 dwts. 18 grs. of silver per ton; another