389 Pharmacosiderite, obtained from the centre of Robinsons

Reef, at Clunes, which reef is 6 feet in thickness, at a depth of 300 feet

390 Wolfram, from near Linton


391 Coal from Strzeleckis Ranges

392 Coal found by a prospector near Brandy Creek, Pakenham

393 Coal from the Hoddle Range, near Stockyard Creek


394 Lignite Shale. When strongly heated the shale takes fire

and burns with a yellow, smoky flame, and leaves a buff- coloured ash. An analysis gave

Volatile matter .

. 31.82

Carbon .

. 8.87

Ash .

. 59.31


The water is included in the volatile matter. Obtained from near Campbelltown, Glenlyon, at 20 feet beneath the surface


395 Roofing Slate, containing graptolites. Found at about 20

feet in depth, and about 30 feet above the Gisborne Creek. From a Gisborne quarry


396 Magnesite (Carbonate of Magnesia). From the Whipstick,

near Sandhurst

397 Magnesite, from Sandhurst

Miscellaneous Minerals.

398 Silicate of Alumina. Found overlying the drift and basalt.

From the Mysterious Lead, parish of Amherst

399 Epsomite (Sulphate of Magnesia), from the banks of Good­

mans Creek, about three miles from Bacchus Marsh

400 Aragonite in Basalt, from Malmsbury

401 Aragonite in Basalt, from the quarries at Richmond

402 Sapphires, Garnets, Agates, Carnelian, and Opal, from the

head of the Worri Yaloak Creek, near Lilydale

403 Zircons, Tin Ore, and Quartz Sand, with Titaniferous Iron

Sand, from Dry Diggings, near Daylesford

404 Zircons, Topaz, and Almandine Garnet fragments in Titan­

iferous Iron Sand, from Turners Creek, near Sassafras Creek