Victoria, Australia, official catalogue of exhibits ; the Vienna universal exhibition 1873 / Royal Commmissioners for Victoria
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405 Sapphires, Zircons, Schorl, &c., from the Magenta tunnel, Italian Hill, Davlesford. The sample was obtained at 130 feet below the surface and 2000 feet from the mouth of the tunnel

40G Zircons, Sapphires, &c., from the Ovens and La Trobe Rivers

Fac-similes of Gold Nuggets found in Victoria.

107 TheBeauty Nugget, weighed 242 ozs. 17£ dwts. It was discovered at a depth of 9 feet from the surface in Kangaroo Gully, Bendigo, in the year 1858. The gold was 222| carats fine

408 The Platypus Nugget weighed 377 ozs. G dwts. It was

found in Robinson Crusoe Gully, Bendigo, in a pillar of earth of a deserted claim. The claim was situated in shallow alluvium, and the nugget was discovered in March, 18G1. The gold was 22*14 carats fine

409 The Viscount Canterbury Nugget was found in Johns

Paddock, Berlin Diggings, at a depth of 15 feet from the surface, on the 31st May, 1870. It weighed 1105 ozs. The gold was 23*3 carats fine

410 The Viscountess Canterbury Nugget was found on the

3rd of October, 1870, at Berlin. It was discovered at 6 feet 6 inches beneath the surface, and weighed 884 ozs. 10 dwts. The gold was 23 - 2| carats fine

411 Nugget (not named) found at Creswick, in the Key Com­

panys Mine. It weighed 32 ozs., and was found in January, 1871

412 ThePrecious Nugget was found on the 5th of January,

1871, by a party of Chinese. It weighed 1G21 ozs. 2 dwts. The gold was 230£ fine. The nugget was dis­covered at 12 feet beneath the surface. Distinct impres­sions of quartz crystals cover its surface. It was found in Cattos Paddock, Berlin

413 TheKum Tow Nugget weighed 718 ozs. 5 dwts. It was

found on the 17th April, 1871, in Cattos Paddock, Berlin Diggings, at a depth of 12 feet 6 inches below the surface. It was found by a party of Chinese. The gold was 233 carats fine

414 The Needful Nugget was discovered at 12 feet beneath

the surface, in Cattos Paddock, Berlin Diggings, on the 10th May, 1871. It weighed 246 ozs. 16 dwts., and the gold was 23'3 carats fine

415 Nuggets (not named) found in Broomfields Gully, Creswick,

ou the 12th and 8th August, 1872. They weighed