Group XVIII.

Civil Engineering, Public Works and Architecture.

/Models of plates and

1. Voelckers, Theodore, . . Boston, . .< anchors for floor-

l timbers.

2. Brackett, E. A., . . Winchester, . Fishway.

Group XIX.

The Private Dwelling-house, its Inner Arrangement and Decoration.

No Exhibits.

Group XX.

The Farm-house, its Arrangements, Furniture and Utensils.

L Appleton, F. H., . . . West Roxbury, . Plan of model farm.

Group XXI.

National Domestic Industry.

No Exhibits.

Group XXII.

Exhibition showing the Organization and Influence of Museums of Fine Art as Applied to Industry.

No Exhibits.

Group XXIII.

Art Applied to Religion.

No Exhibits.

Group XXIV.

Objects of Fine Arts of the Past, Exhibited by Amateurs and Owners of Collections.

No Exhibits.

Group XXV.

Fine Arts of the Present Time, Works Produced since the Second London Exhibition of 1862 .

! M ay, C. Granville, . . Boston, . . Landscape Painting.