As Commissioner of the State of Massachusetts, appointed under chapter 6 of the Resolves of 1873, to visit the Univer­sal Exposition at Vienna, I have the honor to submit the following Report :

Under the first section of the Resolve referred to, the gov­ernor, with the advice and consent of the council, was authorized to appoint a citizen of the Commonwealth, and such associates as might be necessary, to visit the Universal Exposition at Vienna, to assist the contributors from the State, to examine the various industries, manufactures and economies which might be exhibited or presented, and to report thereon to the legislature of 1874. A sum not exceed­ing $12,000 was appropriated to carry into effect the pro­visions of the Resolve ; which was passed and received the executive approval on the 3d of March, just fifty-eight days before the time fixed for the opening of the Exposition. Upon the 19th of the same month the nomination of the commissioner was made and approved by the council, and eight days later Gen. John C. Palfrey, of Lowell, Hon. H. G. Knight, of Easthampton, and H. A. Hill, Esq., of Worces­ter, were appointed associate commissioners, with Mr. Frank t>. Millett as secretary. A number of other gentlemen were at the same time joined to the Commission in a purely com­plimentary capacity.

Of the gentlemen designated as associate commissioners, Messrs. Knight and Hill accepted their appointments, but that of Gen. Palfrey was declined on account of conflicting business relations. In the original organization of the Com-