florins as two years pay for ten students, and renewed the same in 1871. To this were added twenty thousand florins given by Baron Louis von Haber-Linsberg, for students of Lower Austria. Prince Schwarzenberg gave a capital of one thousand florins ($500) to be used for the support of a pupil born on his domain. These are not all the donations the school has received, but they are the principal sums given to help the students. Many manufacturers and friends sub­scribed smaller sums.

Apropos of donations, a compliment was paid to America by one of Viennas able professor#: "Ah, we want a few men such as you have so many of, who would donate us a sum that would place us at once in a position to achieve the much larger amount of good results we could attain, had we some such generous friend. The sums given by Peter Cooper, Ezra Cornell, Mr. Peabody, Commodore Vander­bilt, and a host of other gentlemen, to help on the cause of education, amaze us, not to mention the enormous grants of land made by your Congress for the same purpose.

One can hardly doubt, after observing what they have done, with what, in this country, would be considered very limited means, that had they but half the money so freely poured out for the cause of education here, they would achieve astonishing results, working as they do, upon strictly econom­ical and practical systems, wasting nothing, and utilizing every force and help that converge to form the real, able, skilful and tasteful worker, whether he be an architect or mason, professor of languages or teacher in an infant school; whether he be the inventor of a steam-engine or the man to run it; whether he be the designer of the patterns for rich carpets or the man to weave them; whether he be the skilled forester or the woodman who fells the tree; and so on, through every profession and every handicraft.

Perhaps, on the other hand, if they had the grand resources of this country to draw upon, instead of having to be keenly alive to the value of every cent they can earn, they would be moulded into free, pushing, go-ahead people, lavishly careless of that of which they now show themselves to be so minutely careful,the intellect of the nation.

It is most certain that they have a very practical method