industrie der Gegenwart: Studien auf der Pariser Welt-Ans- stellung in Jahre, 1867.)

It is strange that so little has been written by the English, to give a clear view of what has been and is being done. Apart from the government reports, it is difficult to find the least particle of information relating to the progress of the work among them. Perhaps this is due to the fact that they are too much engaged in extending the progress to stop to add up the results. Even in that very interesting work by J. M. Ludlow and Lloyd Jones : " The Progress of the [English] Working Class, from 1832-1867, we find very little upon this point, while on other subjects the information is extremely full and exhaustive. These authors, however, place the original motive which prompted the manufacturers and governing classes of England to put extended facilities for improvement in art and taste within the reach of the working people, upon the right ground :

The progress of the working class in science and art belongs, we consider, rather to the education of the man than to that of the child. The rudiments of both may and should be acquired in child­hood, but it requires the matured powers, the developed taste of the a dult, to make either study a reality.

The public recognition of the claims of the workingman to Prosecute both, belongs entirely to the period under review [1832- 1867].

It was in the field of design that such recognition first took place not, indeed, from any appreciation of the workingmans right, as a man, to enjoy all means of manly culture, but simply with a view making him a more useful instrument in the battle of competition With foreign countries.

The authors then proceed to give an account of the rise a hd progress of the South Kensington Schools, etc., and state that within ten years (1855-1866) the number of art Pupils was all but trebled. And further :

No higher testimony to the success of Englands efforts to spread the knowledge of art and design amongst her working Masses can be offered than that of the French workingmen dele- 18