forms seen in the negro race. The pose is graceful and the drapery well thrown. Cavalier Julius Montevercle sent Chris­topher Columbus and Dr. Jenner, the latter a work full of interest. The doctor is vaccinating for the first time. A lively little fellow, a couple of years old, is the patient, and is held as in a vise between the chin and the knees of the doctor, while one of the struggling arms is firmly grasped and the lancet applied. The group is well arranged, the model­ling faultless, and the difficulties of modern costume and commonplace furniture well surmounted.

In the French department the tortured poses predominated. Nude corpses in attitudes horribly real, Paris tearing her hair and waving aloft the blazing torch, crazy boys with wild gesturesthere were a great many similar motives shown. Flanking the main portal of the Art Hall were two bronzes by Auguste Cain, both grandly conceived. They are named, A Tiger Slaying a Crocodile , and A Nubian Lion and his Prey. The poses are majestic and full of dignity; the tiger with his great paw on the breast of his writhing enemy, snarls a warning to all who come to interrupt his meal, and the lion tramples under foot an ostrich, proudly raising his massive* head to watch intruders. Of Emmanuel Fremiets numerous contributions, A Knight of the XlV- Century , a life-size equestrian statue, occupied the vestibule in the place of honor, and was justly given the position, for the statue is of extreme simplicity, dignified in pose, firmly drawn and modelled, and well understood in every respect. Charles Gauthier exposed a young hunter playing with a panther cub, noticeable for freedom of action and beautiful flesh modelling. One of the best figures was David, by An­tonin Mercie, firmly drawn and charmingly executed through­out. Carrier Belleuse sent but one statue, Sleeping under the Wing of the Eagle, like all this masters work, well repaying careful study.

The German and Austrian sculpture is marked by less free­dom than that of either of the two nations above spoken of. In the German department was 'observable much formality and little attempt at action or great originality; but there were several examples of very clever modelling and fm e drawing. The favorite group seems to be an adult with an