mention for the peculiarity of their form. They are evi­dently a modified form of alcarazza, intended to hold and cool drinking water, by suspending them in a cool and airy place. The top is closed over, the only opening being the spout, through which the vessel is filled by immersion. A curved handle at the top is convenient for carrying, and one at the side for tipping it.

In the year 1870, the importations of glass and ceramic products were valued at 150,522,000 reis, and the exporta­tions at 36,911,000 reis. Of faience, in the same year, 132,688 kilogrammes, valued at 24,077,000 reis, were imported from England.


Royal Porcelain Manufactory, Copenhagen , exhibited in the Rotunda and in the Danish court decorated porcelain of all kiiids, especially works in biscuit, consisting of medal­lions, busts and bas-reliefs, after Thorwaldsen, Bissen, and others. Thorwaldsens "Night and Morning, and the medal­lion portraits, deserve special mention for their excellence in form and composition of the paste, and their pure white­ness. The works also make a specialty of imitations of the old Saxon and Danish ware.

The list pf premiums received at former great exhibitions is a long one, and at this exhibition the works fully sustain their reputation.

The fine terra-cotta ware of this section, consists of choice vases, urns, tazzas, etc., in imitation of the old Etruscan and Greek forms. These are black in color with figures in red, and the reverse. Others are decorated with sprigs of ferns and flowers on the plain black surface. They are exquisite in execution and color, and were much admired. All this ware is remarkably perfect in form, and is burned without distortion. The prices are moderate.