Reports of the Massachusetts commissioners to the exposition at Vienna, 1873 : with special reports prepared for the Commission / edited by Hamilton A. Hill
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Wood-Working Machinery .

If, in iron working tools, Massachusetts had no representa­tion at the Exposition, we were more fortunate in wood­working machinery. The special machines exhibited by Mr. Baxter D. Whitney, of Winchendon, for pail-making, jig­sawing, planing, for turning, etc., attracted a crowd whenever they were in motion. Quoting again from English testimony in speaking of the pail machinery :

Apart from the ingenuity displayed in the conception of this manifold machine, the manner in which it »has been carried out reflects the highest credit upon Mr. Whitney. Every one of his exhibits indeed shows the hand and mind of a master, and every other exhibitor of wood-working machinery can, and doubtless will, learn a good deal from these tools.

A dove-tailing machine, shown by Mr. G. Hall, of Florence, was also much admired, and a band-saw of Richards, London & Kelley, of Philadelphia, attracted attention from its workmanship. Beyond these there were only exhibited some collections of the ordinary wood-working machinery of the United States. Of these it was declared in the " Engineering :

Most of the other machines exhibited fall so far below, even a liberal standard of average merit, that we can scarcely believe that they are to be accepted as the representatives of this branch of industry in the United States.

The writer has quoted this statement from a paper certainly disposed to be favorable to the productions of our country, and it is, indeed, the conclusion of an article in which praise has been accorded to many ingenious details in the machinery. The remarks apply mostly to exhibits from other States than our own, but are quoted from a feeling that the lesson may be brought home to ourselves. It is pretty certain that there has not with 11s been that improvement in weight and style, nor in workmanship, within these latter years, in wood-work- ing machinery, that there has in iron. Improvements in design, and a perfection of workmanship, are to be found in work made in other parts of the United States, which we cannot equal.