favor. In this forest there are many sorts of singing-birds, and above all a large number of nightingales, which are also to be found in all the groves of the vicinity. There are also several large springs, furnishing water enough to drive a saw-mill six hours each day. The situation of this mill is very beautiful, and in its vicinity I established my ponds for trout-raising. In addition to the large mill-pond I laid out six smaller nurse-ponds and five nurse-boxes, also a hatch­ing-house, each of these being supplied by a separate spring. At the end of last January I had on hand : 9,986 fish of this year, 2,981 one-year fish, 2,691 two-year, 373 three-year, 130 four year fish,in all, 16,161 salmon-trout and others. Those of one year are three to four inches ; those of two years six to eight inches ; those of three years eleven to four­teen inches ; and those of four years nineteen to twenty-five inches.

The three-year fish weigh nine to ten ounces ; those of four years two pounds and more, and some as much as two and three-quarters pounds. They are doing excellently.

For the protection of the trout a portion of the wood, comprising about one hundred and eighty acres, is fenced off and used at the same time as a deer-park. This is traversed by paths and possesses great natural beauty.

Near the saw-mill is a shed to shelter a stock of wild ducks for the winter; it is connected with running water. The wild ducks breed on the mill-pond and two other ponds newly constructed for the purpose. Forty to fifty breeding ducks and twenty drakes are to be found here.

In two reservoirs, fed by springs, fresh-water crabs are kept,

The Castle is surrounded by a park, adjoining which are a kitchen and fruit-garden of six and one-half acres area, and a green-house of pisé, in which the earliest and latest varieties of fruit and berries are cultivated.

A deer-park of nearly seven hundred acres has been laid out near Bacov, including meadow and field. At present this contains one hundred and seventy-five fallow deer and thirty-two of the larger sort; also hares, pheasants and part­ridges in large numbers.

On account of the close proximity of land belonging to