enormous size. Some of their trunks had a diameter of from four to five feet, aud were, in several cases, buried under three feet of soil.

The first thing to be attended to was the drainage. On the eighth of January, 1871, work was commenced, by the aid of five hundred to six hundred laborers, and at the end of June, 14.2 acres were trenched, cleared and planted. Up to the present summer 23.4 acres have been completed in all, and there now remain 5.88 acres to be reclaimed.

The severest task was to transport sand to the lower loam soil, then utterly unfit for the vine ; to transport loam to the upper sandy tracts, and to fill in the many gaps and gorges on the slopes. In addition to the human and animal labor employed, the wire-tramway was of great assistance in these operations.

On the warm southerly slopes I planted " Johannisberger Riessler; on the heights less, exposed to the sun, white Burgundy " Chablis. The middle portion, which has a rich subsoil, is planted principally with blue Burgundy " St. Laurent; and the sunniest portions of this tract, to the west, with " Trollinger. The middle stretches of the east side were planted with Gewtirz Traminer ; and the lower land with " Krachgutedel.

The whole vineyard is provided with the necessary roads. One of these winds up to the highest point in zigzags 2,480 feet long, and is supported by solid walls, in some cases twenty-four feet in height. These face the south and are used for training the vines upon.

From any point in the vineyard a fine view is obtained of the plains of Elbe-Teinitz, Caslau, Kuttenberg and Kolin.

I have employed both artificial and animal manures for the vines, and for the further production of the latter shall build a shed this year for twenty head of cattle. This will be constructed in the simple manner already described, by merely resting a straw roof upon the ground. Here cows will be kept to furnish milk for the wine-pressers and reg­ular vineyard laborers; also relay oxen for fattening and hauling. A house for the accommodation of the laborers will also be built in the same manner.

The preparation of the land for this vineyard has been a