in 1875 ; this congress should consist of the delegates of gov­ernment and of the more important societies of land and forest cultivators. A sketch of a proposed programme was then given, which refers to the most prominent matters that must necessarily come up before such a meeting. This prop­osition was accepted unanimously, after a few unimportant modifications.

In European schools we find that natural history holds a much more prominent part in education than in the United States. The works of nature are made more the basis of knowledge, and, after children have become acquainted with them, then the other important studies are made more prom­inent.


When the results of careful study and research have been well expressed, it is better to collect and repeat the words of others rather thau to attempt to convey the same idea by new forms.

Mr. William Crookes, F.R.S., in his book on the " Manu­facture of Beet-Root Sugar, published at London, 1870, says in the preface :

It is calculated that a proportion of 8.5 (per cent.) of crystal- lizable sugar will pay, and in some instances comprised within the range of the experiments there was a yield of 10.91 and 8.94 (per cent.). That the magnitude of the industry is sufficient to warrant operations on the largest scale is shown by the fact that last year France alone produced no less than 300,000 tons of beet sugar, which at £25* ($125) per ton would be worth £7,500,000 ($37,500,000), the molasses (100,000 tons at £5) bringing up the value to £8,000,000 ($40,000,000).

In referring to climate he says :

Few of our cultivated plants thrive under more varied con­ditions of climate than the beet. The relative season for sowing, for it to be harvested at the right time, can be so regulated by the intelligent cultivator, according to the degree of latitude, as to suit the exigencies of the manufacturer.

Heat and moisture being needed in considerable quantities for its perfect development, very cold or very dry localities will alone

* For the above calculations I have allowed $5 to the English pound.