Reports of the Massachusetts commissioners to the exposition at Vienna, 1873 : with special reports prepared for the Commission / edited by Hamilton A. Hill
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person intoxicated. Many are singing, but not noisily. Girls and boys come in constantly with bottles and pitchers for the liquor. A placard on the wall announces the names and prices of the wines : Weisser ruster Wein, 23 k. ; Weisser badacsdner, 17 k. ; rother sexander 12 to 13 k. (A kreutzer may be considered a half cent.) These are Hungarian wines, of a stronger character than those in common use among the Viennese.

VI. Höchster Henriger.

It would be pleasant to say that nothing worse than the previous showing in relation to this subject existed in Vienna, but it is too true that intoxication can be found if one seeks in the right place for it. A place of this character is called a "Höchster Henriger, and is marked by a bunch of grape-vine leaves or a pine-branch over the door. Entering the largest one of the city, consisting of a series of large halls around a garden, with planks laid down for out-door dancing, with dancing-halls, music-rooms, and banquet-rooms, here and there, you come at once into a very large room, exceedingly brilliant with gas, and filled with the noise of two bands and the clinking of innumerable glasses. Here you find a great company gathered, often numbering four hundred,babes in arms, children, men and women. Every table is crowded, everybody drinking, smoking, singing, beating out the time on their glasses, and having the wildest time imaginable. In one group I saw once three couples, and on their table were sixteen empty wine and beer-bottles. It is needless to say that all in that party were intoxicated. Here sit young men and girls in very close proximity, mostly coarse in dress and features. They are the servant girls, the diensters, the com- missaires, the wild and reckless of the city. Moravian girls, with curious black turbans on their heads, serve the guests with wine and beer. The wine is that of the last making, not yet done fermenting. It is pleasant to the taste, but quickly mounts to the brain. One notices in these companies many women with babes in their arms. They are one of the curious features of Vienna life, which may be appreciated when I say that the illegitimate births of the city are some­times thirty-three per cent, of the whole. These people find