belonging to the sex, and great pain in back, limbs, and head. Most of those I have known have preferred going into other employments than to continue in the business. Many seem to recover fully after leaving the business; but I .have known several who have sickened and'died of consumption,and some are always troubled with female complaints. I know a number who have married, and have children, most of them seemingly bright and healthy. Girls can­not stand at the case like men, and ought not to try to work, if it can be helped, at. certain periods. I think the heat and ill-ventilation of our rooms is bad for us all.

Dr. G-, a physician in one of the sub­

urbs of Boston, gives his evidence as fol­lows :

I have had several cases of menorrhagia (profuse menstruation), a few of retarded or difficult menstru­ation, and a single case of type-poisoning, in female compositors. They all tell me that the work produces backache and headache, with more or less trouble periodically. The case of poison was an interesting one, and proved itself such conclusively. As often as the girl would leave her work for a time, her un­favorable symptoms would entirely remove : just as soon as she took up the types again, the trouble was