renewed. It is an employment requiring so close confinement, and such careful attention, that I am at no loss to understand its effects.

Mr. H-, an employ6 of the govern­

ment printing office at Washington, informs us,

I have known a good mauy of our girls in the composing-rooms here in the city; and quite a number that I have known have come here into the work strong and healthy-looking girls, and have gone away in a few years, pale, thin, and sick. I know, from conversation with some of them, that the work upsets them as women, and they cannot continue the work long without suffering. I should say, that perhaps their pleasure-seeking after W'ork as balls, parties, etc. has a bad effect too; but all do not follow that course.

Dr. B-, a physician to dispensary pa­

tients, says,

I have seen quite a number of female type-set­ters who were suffering from uterine troubles and dis­turbed menstrual conditions. I think that these, with obstinate constipation, and occasional cystitis (inflam­mation of bladder), are their chief troubles, beside