chronic form of ovaritis, which it is impossible to cure while the girl is at work.

C. The use of the machine during menstruation is especially injurious. I have even known a case where a severe attack of ovaritis and retroflexion of the uterus followed its use during a single menstrual period.

D.I think I have observed a greater tendency to dysmenorrhoea and other uterine troubles among those who use the sewing-machine for a living than among others.

E. Cases of unmistakable injury, very frequent a

few years ago, causing marked irregularities of the menstrual function, and their usual sequelce. The almost universal introduction of steam-power has greatly diminished this class of cases.

F. Constant and long-continued use of sewing- machines, moved by foot-power, tends to induce func­tional diseases of the uterus. Three girls working in the same shop ten hours daily, for two or three years, now suffer from dysmenorrhoea, from which they were formerly free.

Says a Boston physician * who for many years has given special attention to the gynaecological affections of women,

* Horatio B. Störer, M.D., Lecture on Female Hygiene, before State Board of Health of California, p. 13.