The sewing-machine, that compound of blessing and curse to woman, adds to the list of influences causative of disease, not only acting in several of the ways suggested, by the long-continued and con­strained position and fatiguing of the pelvic muscles ; but in another, not generally sufficiently appreciated, by which a mental and dangerous disquietude is origin­ated and enhanced by the unintentional auto-stupra- tion.

Another well-known physician * of Boston writes:

I once observed many cases of debility, and pain in spine and side, with now and then menstrual dis­orders, in a shopful of sewing-machine girls, which ceased to exist when steam was applied.


A. I have investigated quite a number of cases where diseases were produced by running sewing-ma­chines by foot-power. Among these diseases, I have noticed several cases of lameness of limbs and back, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, amenorrhoea, leucor- rhoea, and displacements.

B. I have no doubt whatever that this employ-

* Theo. W. Fisher, M.D.: Letter to the author.