by a base alchemy into present gold, a gold that by and by, like that of the Phry­gian king, will be all there is to offer as bread, as homes, as armies, as thought-power, and as happiness.

The hours of labor are too long, not. too long to earn a living in, for they barely suf­fice, as things now stand, for the purpose ; hut too long for the proper physical good, mental culture, and moral growth of those involved. The proper physical good is es­pecially our concern. If the co-operative system of labor ever reaches a general result as favorable as that its individual successes would warrant a hope of, I believe there may then be both time and an inclination (not existing at its best in a worn body and tired mind) to regard those questions of per­sonal cleanliness, diet, clothing, hygienic sur­roundings, and physical development, now so sadly disregarded by the working-classes, wherever found. An hour more in the morning for the young and forming female (and that is where it may be most advanta-