class, who was glad to have escaped the chains of matrimony, but knew the value and lamented the loss of maternity, wished she had been born a widow with two children. These misconceptions arise from mistaking dif­ference of organization and function for differ­ence of position in the scale of being, which is equivalent to saying that man is rated higher in the divine order because he has more muscle, and woman lower because she has more fat. The loftiest ideal of humanity, re­jecting all comparisons of inferiority and su periority between the sexes, demands that each shall be perfect in its kind, and not be hin­dered in its best work. The lily is not infe­rior to the rose, nor the oak superior to the clover : yet the glory of the lily is one, and the glory of the oak is another; and the use of the oak is not the use of the clover. That is poor horticulture which would train them all alike.

When Col. Higginson asked, not long ago, in one of his charming essays, that almost persuade the reader, Ought women to learu