the alphabet ? aud added, Give woman, if you dare, the alphabet, then summon her to the career, his physiology was not equal to his wit. Women will learn the alphabet at any rate; and man will be powerless to pre­vent them, should % he undertake so ungracious a task. The real question is not, Shall women learn the alphabet ? but How shall they learn it ? In this case, how is more important than ought or shall. The principle and duty are not denied. The method is not so plain.

The fact that women have often equalled and sometimes excelled men in physical labor, intellectual effort, and lofty heroism, is sufficient proof that women have muscle, mind, and soul, as well as men; but it is no proof that they have had, or should have, the same kind of training ; nor is it any proof that they are destined for the same career as men. The presumption is, that if woman, subjected to a masculine training, arranged for the development of a masculine organization, can equal man, she ought to excel him if educated by a feminine training, arranged to develop a