that she can do all this, and retain uninjured health and a future secure from neuralgia, uterine disease, hysteria, and other derange­ments of the nervous system, if she follows the same method that hoys are trained in. Boys must study and work in a boys way, and girls in a girls way. They may study the same books, and attain an equal result, but should not follow the same method. Mary can mas­ter Virgil and Euclid as well as George; but both will be dwarfed, defrauded of their rightful attainment, if both are confined to the same methods. It is said that Elena Cor- naro, the accomplished professor of six lan­guages, whose statue adorns and honors Padua, was educated like a boy. This means that she was initiated into, and mastered, the studies that were considered to be the pecu­liar dower of men. It does not mean that her life was a mans life, her way of study a mans way of study, or that, in acquiring six languages, she ignored her own organization. Women who choose to do so can master the humanities and the mathematics, encounter