female power may be fairly charged to irra­tional cooking and indigestible diet. "VVe Ihre in the zone of perpetual pie and dough­nut ; and our girls revel in those unassimilable abominations. Much also may be credited to artificial deformities strapped to the spine, or piled on the head, much to corsets and skirts, and as much to the omission of clothing where it is needed as to excess where the body does not require it; but, after the am­plest allowance for these as causes of weak­ness, there remains a large margin of disease unaccounted for. Those grievous maladies which torture a womans earthly existence, called leucorrhoea, amenorrhoea, dysmenor- rhoea, chronic and acute ovaritis, prolapsus uteri, hysteria, neuralgia, and the like, are indirectly affected by food, clothing, and ex­ercise ; they are directly and largely affected by the causes that will be presently pointed out, and which arise from a neglect of the peculiarities of a womans organization. The regimen of our schools fosters this neg­lect. The regimen of a college arranged foi