boys, if imposed on girls, would foster it still more.

The scope of this paper does not permit the discussion of these other causes of female weaknesses. Its object is to call attention to the errors of physical training that have crept into, and twined themselves about, our ways of educating girls, both in public and private schools, and which now threaten to attain a larger development, and inflict a consequently greater injury, by their introduction into col­leges and large seminaries of learning, that have adopted, or are preparing to adopt, the co-education of the sexes. Even if there were space to do so, it would not be neces­sary to discuss here the other causes alluded to. They are receiving the amplest attention elsewhere. The gifted authoress of The Gates Ajar has blown her trumpet with no uncertain sound, in explanation and advocacy of a new-clothes philosophy, which her sis­ters will do well to heed rather than to ridi­cule. It would be a blessing to the race, if some inspired prophet of clothes would ap-