variety of aches. Her parents were pleased, and perhaps a little anxious. She is a good scholar, said her father; somewhat over­worked possibly; and so he gave her a trip among the mountains, and a week or two at the seashore. After her vacation she re­turned to school, and repeated the previous years experience, constant, sustained work, recitation and study for all days alike, a hem­orrhage once a month that would make the stroke oar of the University crew falter, and a brilliant scholar. Before the expiration of the second year, Nature began to assert her authority. The paleness of Miss As com­plexion increased. An unaccountable and uncontrollable twitching of a rhythmical sort got into the muscles of her face, and made her hands go and feet jump. She was sent home, and her physician called, who at once diagnosticated chorea (St. Vitus dance), and said she had studied too hard, and wisely prescribed no study and a long vaca­tion. Her parents took her to Europe. A year of the sea and the Alps, of England