lacked nourishment. There was more waste than repair,no margin for growth. St. Vitus dance was a warning not to he neg­lected, and the schoolmaster resigned to the doctor. A long vacation enabled the system to retrace its steps, and recover force for evo­lution. Then the school resumed its sway, and physiological laws were again defied. Fortunately graduation soon occurred, and unintermitted, sustained labor was no longer enforced. The menorrhagia ceased, but per­sistent dysmenorrhea now indicates the neuralgic friction of an imperfectly devel­oped reproductive apparatus. Doubtless the evil of her education will infect her whole life.

The next case is drawn from different social surroundings. Early associations and

natural aptitude inclined Miss B- to the

stage ; and the need of bread and butter sent her upon it as a child, at what age I do not know. At fifteen she was an actress, deter­mined to do her best, and ambitious of suc­cess. She strenuously taxed muscle and