glia to restrain the laboring orifices of ihe cir­culation, to close the gates ; and the flood of blood gushed through. With the frequent repetition of the flooding, came inevitably the evils she suffered from, Natures penalties. She now reports herself better; but whether convalescence will continue will depend upon her method of work for the future.

Let us take the next illustration from a walk in life different from either of the fore­going. Miss C-was a bookkeeper in a

mercantile house. The length of time she remained in the employ of the house, and its character, are a sufficient guaranty that she did her work well. Like the other clerks, she was at her post, standing , during business hours, from Monday morning till Saturday night. The female pelvis being wider than that of the male, the weight of the body, in the upright posture, tends to press the upper ex­tremities of the thighs out laterally in females more than in males. Hence the former can stand less long with comfort than the latter. Miss C-, however, believed in doing her