work in a mans way, infected by the not un­common notion that womanliness means manli­ness. Moreover, she would not, or could not, make any more allowance for the periodicity of her organization than for the shape of her skeleton. When about twenty years of age, perhaps a year or so older, she applied to me for advice in consequence of neuralgia, back­ache, menorrhagia, leucorrhoea, and general debility. She was anemic, and looked pale, care-worn, and anxious. There was no evi­dence of any local organic affection of the pelvic organs. Get a womans periodical remission from labor, if intermission is impos­sible, and do your work in a womans way, not copying a mans fashion, and you will need very little apothecarys stuff, was the advice she received. I must go on as I am doing, was her answer. She tried iron, sitz- baths, and the like : of course they were of no avail. Latterly I have lost sight of her, and, from her appearance at her last visit to me, presume she has gone to a world where back­ache and male and female skeletons are un­known.