Illustrations of this sort might be multiplied but these three are sufficient to show how ai abnormal method of study and work may am does open the flood-gates of the system, and, by letting blood out, lets all sorts of evil in. Let us now look at another phase; for menor­rhagia and its consequences are not the only punishments that girls receive for being edu­cated and worked just like boys. Natures methods of punishing men and women «are as numerous as their organs and functions, and her penalties as infinite- in number and gra­dation as her blessings.

Amenorrhoea is perhaps more common than menorrhagia. It often happens, however, during the first critical epoch, which is isoch­ronal with the technical educational period of a girl, that «after a few occasions of cata­menial hemorrhage, moderate perhaps but still hemorrhage, which are not heeded, the con­servative force of Nature steps in, and saves the blood by arresting the function. In such instances, amenorrhoea is a result of menor­rhagia. In this way, and in others that we