and quality of its blood supply. Blood is made from food; but it may be lost by care­less hemorrhage, or poisoned by deficient elim­ination. When frequently and largely lost or poisoned, as I have too frequent occasion to know it often is, it becomes impoverished, anemic. Then the brain suffers, and men­tal power is lost. The steps are few and direct, from frequent loss of blood, im­poverished blood, and abnormal brain and nerve metamorphosis, to loss of mental force and nerve disease. Ignorance or carelessness leads to anemic blood, and that to an anemic mind. As the blood, so the brain ; as the brain, so the mind.

The cases which have hitherto been pre­sented illustrate some of the evils which the reproductive system is apt to receive in con­sequence of obvious derangement of its growth and functions. But it may, and often does, happen that the catamenia are normally performed, and that the reproductive system is fairly made up during the educational period. Then force is withdrawn from the