brain and nerves and ganglia. These are dwarfed or checked or arrested in theif development. In the process of waste and repair, of destructive and constructive met­amorphosis, by which brains as well as bones are built up and consolidated, education often leaves insufficient margin for growth Income derived from air, food, and sleep, which should largely, may only mode­rately exceed expenditure upon study and work, and so leave but little surplus for growth in any direction; or, what more commonly occurs, the income which the brain receives is all spent upon study, and little or none upon its development, while that which the nutritive and reproductive systems re­ceive is retained by them, and devoted to their own growth. When the school makes the same steady demand for force from girls who are approaching puberty, ignoring Natures periodical demands, that it does from boys, who are not called upon for an equal effort, there must be failure some­where. General!}' either the reproductive