philosophy that undermined her nerves; nor was it because of any natural inferiority to boys that she failed; nor because she under­took to master what women have no right to learn: she lost her health simply because she undertook to do her work in a boys way and not in a girls way.

Let us learn the lesson of one more case. These details may be tedious ; but the justi­fication of their presence here are the im­portance of the subject they illustrate and elucidate, and the necessity of acquiring a belief of the truth of the facts of female education.

Miss G-worked her way through New-

England primary, grammar, and high schools to a Western college, which she entered with credit to herself, and from which she gradu­ated, confessedly its first scholar, leading the male and female youth alike. All that need be told of her career is that she worked as a student, continuously and perseveringly, through the years of her first critical epoch, and for a few years after it, without any