wasps of Aristophanes and the Mecanique Celeste, not because she had made the acquaintance of Kant and Kölliker, and ventured to explore the anatomy of flowers and the secrets of chemistry, but because, while pursuing these studies, while doing all this work, she steadily ignored her womans make. Believing that woman can do what man can, for she held that faith, she strove with noble but ignorant bravery to compass mans intellectual attainment in a mans way, and died in the effort. If she had aimed at the same goal, disregarding masculine and following feminine methods, she would be alive now, a grand example of female cul- tqre, attainment, and power.

These seven clinical observations are suffi­cient to illustrate the fact that our modern methods of education do not give the female organization a fair chance, but that they check development, and invite weakness. It would be easy to multiply such obser­vations, from the writers own notes alone, and, by doing so, to swell this essay into a