growing conviction, that, next to the influence of neurotic inheritance, there is no such fre­quently powerful factor in the construction of the neuralgic habit as mental warp of a cer­tain kind, the product of an unwise education. In another place, speaking of the liability of the brain to suffer from an unwise education, and referring to the sexual development that we are discussing in these pages, he makes the following statement, which no intelligent phy­sician will deny, and which it would be well for all teachers who care for the best educa­tion of the girls intrusted to their charge to ponder seriously. I would also go farther, and express the opinion, that peripheral influ­ences of an extremely powerful and continuous kind, where they concur with one of those critical periods of life at which the central nervous system is relatively weak and unsta­ble, can occasionally set going a non-inflam- matory centric atrophy, which may localize itself in those nerves upon whose centres the morbific peripheral influence is perpetually pouring in. Even such influences as the psy-