
chical and emotional, be it remembered, must be considered peripheral. * The brain of

Miss G-, whose case was related a few

pages back, is a clinical illustration of the accuracy of this opinion.

Dr. Weir Mitchell, one of our most eminent American physiologists, has recently borne most emphatic testimony to the evils we have pointed out: Worst of all, he says, to my mind, most destructive in every way, is the American view of female education. The time taken for the more serious instruction of girls extends to the age of eighteen, and rarely over this. During these years, they are undergoing such organic development as renders them remarkably sensitive. ...To show more precisely how the growing girl is injured by the causes just mentioned (forced and continued study at the sexual epoch) would carry me upon subjects unfit for full discussion in these pages; but no thoughtful reader can be much at a loss as to mj mean­ing. . . . To-day the American woman is,

* Op. cit., p. 160 .