advantages might be obtained from the co­education of the sexes, that would more than counterbalance the evils of crowding large numbers of them together. This sort of co­education does not exclude appropriate clas­sification, nor compel the two sexes to follow the same methods or the same regimen.

Another signification of co-education, and, as we apprehend, the one in which it is com­monly used, includes time, place, government, methods, studies, and regimen. This is iden­tical co-education. This means, that boys and girls shall be taught the same things, at the same time, in the same place, by the same faculty, with the same methods, and under the same regimen. This admits age and pro­ficiency, but not sex, as a factor in classifica­tion. It is against the co-education of the sexes, in this sense of identical co-education, that physiology protests ; and it is this identity of education, the prominent characteristic of our American school-system, that has pro­duced the evils described in the clinical part of this essay, and that threatens to push the