degeneration of the female s*ex still fai ther on. In these pages, co-education of the sexes is used in its common acceptation of identical co-education.

Let us look for a moment at what identical co-education is. The law has, or had, a maxim, that a man and his wife are one, and that the one is the man. Modern American edu­cation has a maxim, that boys schools and girls schools are one, and that the one is the boys school. Schools have been arranged, accordingly, to meet the requirements of the masculine organization. Studies have been selected that experience has proved to be appropriate to a boys intellectual develop­ment, and a regimen adopted, while pursuing them, appropriate to his physical development. His school and college life, his methods of study, recitations, exercises, and recreations, are ordered upon the supposition, that, bar­ring disease or infirmity, punctual attend­ance upon the hours of recitation, and upon all other duties in their season and order, may be required of him continuously, in