it a vine. Identical education, or identical eo-education, of the sexes defrauds one sex or the other, or perhaps both. It defies the Roman maxim, which physiology has fully justified, mens sana in corpore sano. The sustained regimen, regular recitation, erect posture, daily walk, persistent exercise, and unintermitted labor that toughens a boy, and makes a man of him, can only be partially applied to a girl. The regimen of intermit- tance, periodicity of exercise and rest, work three-fourths of each month, and remission, if not abstinence, the other fourth, physio­logical interchange of the erect and reclining posture, care of the reproductive system that is the cradle of the race, all this, that tough­ens a girl and makes a woman of her, will emasculate a lad. A combination of the two methods of education, a compromise between them, would probably yield an average result, excluding the best of both. It would give a fair chance neither to a boy nor a girl. Of all compromises, such a physiological one is the worst. It cultivates mediocrity, and cheats