the future of its rightful legacy of lofty man. hood and womanhood. It emasculates boys, stunts girls; makes semi-eunuchs of one sex, and agenes of the other.

The error which has led to the identical education of the two sexes, and which proph­ecies their identical co-education in colleges and universities, is not confined to technical education. It permeates society. It is found in the home, the workshop, the factory, and in all the ramifications of social life. The identity of boys and girls, of men and women, is practically asserted out of the school as much as in it, and it is theoretically proclaimed from the pulpit and the rostrum. Woman seems to be looking up to man and his development, as the goal and ideal of wo­manhood. The new gospel of female devel­opment glorifies what she possesses in com­mon with him, and tramples under her feet, as a source of weakness and badge of inferi­ority, the mechanism and functions peculiar to herself. In consequence of this wide­spread error, largely the result of physio- &